

يقدم محامو المكتب المختصين باستحقاقات الموظفين و التعويض التنفيذي،المشورةالقانونيةفيجميعالقضاياالمتعلقةببرامجالتقاعدوبرامجاستحقاقاتالرعايةالاجتماعية،وترتيباتالتعويضوالحوافز، وبرامج العقود البرامج التنفيذية والوظيفية للشركات العامة والخاصة. تساعد الخدمات التي يقدمها مكتبنا، في تمكين عملائنامن الامتثالللقوانينواللوائح المعنية.

The harm occurred can be physical, mental, or even financial. Personal Injury suits are typically resolved in one of two ways: through a formal lawsuit, or through informal, out-of-court negotiations between the parties involved. There is often a time limit for when one person can file a claim against another for personal injury. This is known as the Statute of Limitations. Typically, the deadline to file a claim is 2 years after the injury occurred. However, there are instances in which an injury is not properly identified until years later, in which case the statute of limitations is 1 year after the injury was identified.
